-Abdullah Yazdan Zahid - Design principles - Task 1 (explorations)

Week 1 - 3

Name: Abdullah Yazdan Zahid

ID: 0367869

Course: Bachelor of design (Hons) In creative media


Google drive link

Task 1

  • Gestalt theory: It is the theory of we percieve patterns and shapes / form.

  • Contrast: Contrast is juxstapostion of strongly dissimilar elements.
    Fig 1.1 Image link

  • Emphasis: It is the level importance or prominence given to something.

  • Balance: The distribution of weight within an artwork.

  • Repetition: The re-occurence of the same element in an artwork.

  • Movement: The natural order in which you look at an artwork.

  • Harmony and unity: Creating a sense of harmony by repeating elements.

  • Symbols: An object or shape used to represent something else.

    Fig 1.2 Image link

  • Images and words: The image relates to the word so it illustrates the object.

UNSDG Life below water

Fig 1.3 - STRAWS by Jota Han, May 31st 2018, 1200 * 1649 px, Digital drawing Image link

The reason I chose the topic 'life below water' is because I have been around the ocean my whole life. I am a huge advocate for the conservation of the ocean, and would like to highlight artworks that are bringing to light the many problems that our oceans are facin right now.

I selected this particular poster as the presented artwork due to its impactful representation of the harm caused to sea turtles by straws. The artwork cleverly subverts expectations by replacing the straws with a shark, emphasizing the severity of the issue. It parodies the title of the movie 'Jaws' and uses a pun by replacing the word with 'straws'. This design shows several key principles of design effectively.

These are the design principles that are included:
  • Contrast
  • Emphasis
  • Movement
  • Symbol
  • Word and Image
  • Repetition
  • Gestalt theory


Week 1 (general feedback): Add images to the principles of design explanation section.

Week 2 (Specific feedback): Don't explain the design principles in the first task and do it in the second task.

Week 3 (Specific feedback): Add gestalt theory as one of the included design principles for the chosen UNSDG image.


Experience: I spent most of the class finishing my task 1.

Observations: There is no lectures during class.

Findings: The class is very interesting and I am excited to see where it goes.


The non-designer's design book

The non-designer's design book is a great book about principles of design that touches on topics such as proximity, alignment, repetition, and contrast. It is a book that allows for beginners to learn how to make visually appealing and professional documents, presentations, websites, etc.

I found that the book provides useful information in a very understandable and easy way. It also provides many practical exercises and informative examples.

Fig 1.4 - The non-designer's design book


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