-Abdullah Yazdan Zahid - Design principles - Task 3

 Week 5 - 7

Name: Abdullah Yazdan Zahid

ID: 0367869

Course: Bachelor of design (Hons) In creative media


Google drive link

Task 3

Create a new design based on the previously analysed design while correctly applying the principles of design in your work.

Mood board



Fig 1.2

Fig 1.3
My first sketch was the least similar to the other sketches as I went in a more abstract and simple design. It shows a plastic bottle in the shape of a fish getting caught by a fishing hook represented by a straw. I also limited myself to only two colors for this sketch.


Fig 1.4

Fig 1.5

For my second sketch I made it more comic style and created a scene were a cartoon fish is sitting in the middle of a trash heap in the bottom of the ocean pleading to save the ocean. I used gestalt theory by creating small silhouettes to create the illusion of a lot of trash being in the background. I also made a comic style speech bubble for the text on the sketch.


Fig 1.6

Fig 1.7
For the last sketch I went for a more detailed cartoon look. The fish in this sketch is face to face with the pieces of trash.


For the final artwork I brought in elements from each of the previous sketches. Firstly I split the character from the second sketch into two characters.
Fig 1.8

Then I used the designs of the trash from the third sketch and added it to the final design.

Fig 1.9

Afterwards, I added the bubbles from the first sketch.

Fig 1.10

I then colored and textured the artwork. I also added a speech bubble for the fishes.


Fig 1.11


This design consists of two fishes sitting at the bottom of the ocean with trash falling from the surface. The fish stare up at the incoming trash and plead to stop throwing trash in the ocean. I placed the fishes in a setting associated with serenity and nature, contrasted with the image of trash falling on them.

I incorporated elements of comedy into my design. The fish sitting down on a human chair while staring upwards with an almost defeated look on their faces. This suggests that they have grown tired of trash being thrown into their ocean.

Some of the design principles included are contrast, as the difference between a tranquil underwater scene and trash falling towards it creates contrast that grabs attention. Additionally, there is an emphasis placed on the fishes and the trash in order to direct attenton towards the main focus of the artwork. Repetion is also applied, with the bubbles in the background. Furthermore, the downward movement of the trash is conveyed by the subtle action lines above them.

The design that i made tries to create an emotional response from the viewer that encourages them to think twice before throwing trash into the ocean. 
(200 words)


Week 6 (specific feedback): Explore more concepts in my sketches 

Week 7 (Specific feedback): Use the text bubble from my Sketch 2 in my final artwork.


Experience: I had a lot of fun doing this assignment

Observations: i wish lectures were in-class

Findings: I need to start doing my work earlier


Fig 1.12

This book touches on the fundamentals of graphic design. It also shows the social, cultural and economic functions of graphic design. It shows how the artist should visually communicate its message to the viewer in a cohesive way.


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